
Posts From March, 2020

Allergy Season

What’s the Best Way to Handle the Upcoming Spring Allergy Season?

We are all looking forward to enjoying the warmer spring weather. Enough of this cold and rain! But with the better weather, the trees, plants, weeds, and grasses will be there growing filling our air with tiny pollen molecules. Itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, postnasal drip, congestion, sinus pressure, sinus infections…. they can force us […]

Does Sleep Apnea Make Me Gain Weight?

For a long time, we have known that there was a correlation between sleep apnea and weight gain. Patients with sleep apnea tend to have “centripetal” weight gain meaning weight gain in the face, neck, and belly.It was believed that weight gain caused the sleep apnea and the patients were told to lose weight to […]

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