
Posts Tagged ‘ allergies ’

Understanding Why Your Sinus Issues Are Worse At Night

The Challenge of Nighttime Nasal Congestion Many patients report that their congestion and sinus issues become worse at night, particularly when they are trying to sleep. During the day, gravity naturally aids in draining fluid away from the face, directing it down toward the lower parts of the body. However, when lying down in bed, […]

Surviving Cedar Allergy Season in Austin

With cedar season in Austin in full swing, many find themselves struggling with heightened allergy symptoms—nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, fatigue, and ear popping among others. Luckily numerous strategies exist to effectively manage allergies and regain control over your well-being. Lifestyle Changes: During times of high pollen levels, limiting exposure is crucial. Incorporating the […]

Sick man at workplace inside office with joy and cold, businessman sneezes sitting at desk, african american man with cold uses laptop at work

5 Myths About Allergies- Busted!

1. I don’t have itchy eyes, runny nose, or sneezing; Therefore I don’t have allergies This is a common misconception about allergies. Allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing are considered the “acute phase” of allergy and are only present in some individuals. A lot of individuals have the “chronic phase” of […]

5 Ways To Reduce Fall Allergies

The fall season can be a hard time for allergies in Central Texas. At this time of year the ragweed, grasses, and mold allergens begin peaking. For allergy sufferers, this can cause increased congestion, drainage, eye itching/redness, and more. How can you prevent and manage these symptoms? Read below for some tips! 1. Daily saline […]

Which Nasal Spray is Best for You?

How do you know which nasal spray to use when there are so many on the market? Which will work the best? These are common questions at Sinus Snoring Specialists.  Let’s talk about the most common types of sprays and what they can do for you.  You should ultimately consult with your health care provider […]

Sleepy man with insomnia

Are allergies causing you to snore?

Spring is here, and as nature springs to life again you may start to notice those familiar signs that those annoying allergies are coming back. As if allergies aren’t bad enough to deal with during the day, they may also be causing you problems as you sleep, such as snoring and the even more serious […]

Dealing With Pet Allergies

For some of us, our pets are like our kids (or even better than our kids!). But what if you suffer from allergies and suspect that your pets may be the cause? If you are an animal lover, you may just assume that you are going to have to live with allergies for the rest […]

Why do my ears feel clogged?

Many people have had the common sensation of their ear feeling clogged at some point in their life. It can be a nuisance, especially if it gives you the annoying symptom of hearing your voice louder in your head which is called autophony. There can be numerous causes for this sensation and often a hearing […]

Ragweed Season is Just Around the Corner! Are You Prepared?

Ragweed season has already begun in Austin! With pollen levels on the rise, you may be feeling an increase in your allergy symptoms. Common allergy symptoms include congestion, sinus pressure, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and ear-popping and pressure; but these symptoms can vary from person to person.  In Austin, ragweed season typically starts in […]



Ever wonder what the most common questions our providers receive at our clinic? You may have one of these questions and have been looking for an answer. Read further to get the answer to your burning questions!   1.  How can I distinguish allergy symptoms from a sinus infection? It is challenging for a patient […]

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