
Posts Tagged ‘ allergy symptoms ’

Ragweed Season is Just Around the Corner! Are You Prepared?

Ragweed season has already begun in Austin! With pollen levels on the rise, you may be feeling an increase in your allergy symptoms. Common allergy symptoms include congestion, sinus pressure, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and ear-popping and pressure; but these symptoms can vary from person to person.  In Austin, ragweed season typically starts in […]



Ever wonder what the most common questions our providers receive at our clinic? You may have one of these questions and have been looking for an answer. Read further to get the answer to your burning questions!   1.  How can I distinguish allergy symptoms from a sinus infection? It is challenging for a patient […]

5 Ways to Reduce your Allergies during Spring Cleaning

Spring is just around the corner and you may be thinking of doing some spring cleaning in your home. It’s important to rid your home of numerous irritating indoor allergens like dust, mold, pet dander, and even cockroach. Long-term allergy management with immunotherapy such as allergy drops is also an effective way to decrease your […]

Allergy Season

What’s the Best Way to Handle the Upcoming Spring Allergy Season?

We are all looking forward to enjoying the warmer spring weather. Enough of this cold and rain! But with the better weather, the trees, plants, weeds, and grasses will be there growing filling our air with tiny pollen molecules. Itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, postnasal drip, congestion, sinus pressure, sinus infections…. they can force us […]

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