
Posts Tagged ‘ clarifix ’

What Makes My Nose Run So Much!

There are many reasons why a person will have an overly runny nose. It is important to understand these various causes and address them individually rather than use a shotgun approach with medical treatments. What causes a runny nose? Allergy Allergy is a very common cause for a runny nose.  It is essentially a misfiring […]

Clarifix for Chronic Runny Nose

A runny nose (or chronic vasomotor rhinitis) that is constant and not just a temporary issue caused by allergies or a cold is not just annoying – it is a serious problem, one that can stop you from enjoying life as you should. You may have tried everything to get rid of your runny nose, […]

Runny Nose Austin, TX

Why Do I Always Have A Runny Nose?

Rhinorrhea is the medical term for a runny nose. This can be a real nuisance as the patient may feel that they need to constantly carry tissue with them. It can also be embarrassing in social situations such as eating meals out with friends. There are multiple reasons why a nose might run too much […]

allergy treatment austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Why Does My Nose Run Like a Faucet?

Some people have to carry Kleenex with them all of the time. They have a runny nose when they eat, when they exercise, when the weather changes, or seemingly for no reason at all. They have had their sinuses evaluated and there isn’t infection. They use allergy medicines but it really doesn’t help. They may […]

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