
Posts Tagged ‘ nasal sprays ’

Which Nasal Spray is Best for You?

How do you know which nasal spray to use when there are so many on the market? Which will work the best? These are common questions at Sinus Snoring Specialists.  Let’s talk about the most common types of sprays and what they can do for you.  You should ultimately consult with your health care provider […]

Nasal Spray Addiction and Rebound Congestion

What is rhinitis medicamentosa? Rhinitis Medicamentosa is a condition of rebound congestion from long-standing use of topical nasal decongestants. This includes nasal sprays like Afrin® (oxymetalazine), Neo-synophrine® (phenylephrine), or Otrivine® (xylometazoline). If a patient uses these sprays for more than 2-3 days straight, they often experience worsening of congestion and postnasal drip each time it […]

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