
Posts Tagged ‘ obstructive sleep apnea ’

What Makes Snoring Or Sleep Apnea Worse Over Time?

It is important to understand that snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are the same condition. It is just a matter of severity. The condition can worsen over time for a variety of reasons. Snoring is resistance to airflow through the upper airway during sleep that creates vibration of the soft palate, tongue, and tonsil area. […]

Bruxism and Nasal Congestion

Are Teeth Grinding and Nasal Congestion Related?

Experienced dentists can see the destructive changes to the health and structure of your teeth from teeth grinding at night time. It isn’t uncommon at all for patients to present to our office reporting that they have to use a nightly guard in their mouth to try and reduce the destructive changes to the teeth […]

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