Steven S. 5/2/17
I have suffered from severe sleep apnea for a number of years and have been using CPAP therapy for almost 2 years. Dr. Slaughter performed both balloon sinuplasty and turbinate reduction procedures on me in his office, since the CT scan his staff performed indicated that I had 95% blockage in both nasal passages. The procedures took just 16 minutes, and the only minor inconvenience was being limited to a soft food diet for the first week, due to the work he performed on my pallete. I am now sleeping better without CPAP than I had been while using CPAP before the procedures.
I’m an avid cyclist, but I’ve always been forced to breath through my mouth while riding. Within a week of having the procedure, I was back on the bike and completed a 60 mile ride while breathing completely through my nose for the first time ever! This past weekend, I completed my first MS 150 ride from Houston to Austin, just over 4 weeks after having the procedures. Breathing through my nose was effortless on the entire ride, and significantly improved my performance.
Dr. Slaughter’s staff is quite possibly the most professional medical organization I’ve ever dealt with. His office uses state-of-the-art technology to both diagnose and present medical information to the patients, and I am absolutely thrilled with the results of his work. I sincerely thank Dr. Slaughter for dramatically improving my quality of life!