
Posts From October, 2018

Balloon Sinuplasty IV Sedation

How IV Sedation Is Used for Advanced Balloon Sinuplasty Procedures

Dr. Slaughter pioneered the use of IV sedation in the office for balloon sinuplasty procedures. As a Center of Excellence training center for ENT physicians nationally he has optimized and refined this approach to provide the ultimate in patient comfort and safety. It may surprise patients to hear that most balloon sinuplasty procedures performed in […]

Bruxism and Nasal Congestion

Are Teeth Grinding and Nasal Congestion Related?

Experienced dentists can see the destructive changes to the health and structure of your teeth from teeth grinding at night time. It isn’t uncommon at all for patients to present to our office reporting that they have to use a nightly guard in their mouth to try and reduce the destructive changes to the teeth […]

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