
Posts From November, 2018

Winter Allergies Austin TX

Allergens to Look Out For This Winter

It’s the holiday season and we all want to enjoying our family, friends, vacation. Unfortunately, allergies this time of year can make us feel sick and miserable, ruining our holidays. Don’t let the holiday allergies get you down, make an appointment for allergy testing and start allergy drops now. Indoor Allergens The indoor allergens are frequently […]

Sinus Infection Austin TX

Tips to Avoid a Sinus Infection

There are several things you can do to avoid getting a sinus infection. Obviously, washing hands thoroughly, avoiding people with active infection, avoiding cold exposure which dries the sinus lining are all helpful. Allergy control is also critical. Allergic inflammation of the nose and sinuses reduces the natural defenses of the sinus lining making it […]

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