Sleep position is an important factor in reducing snoring. It is one part of a larger factor called sleep hygiene that can be addressed to reduce snoring. Sleep hygiene includes sleep position, regular sleep habits, avoidance of alcohol or sedatives before bed, allergy management, and staying hydrated. Sleep position is critical for many reasons. Lying […]
Can severe sinus issues be treated with the new Balloon Sinuplasty technology or does it require the patient to have traditional sinus surgery? As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Below is the before picture of a patient with a very severe sinus issue. The sinus cavities should be black, meaning-filled with […]
Lymph Node Injections VS. Allergy Shot or Allergy Drops You may have heard of clinics offering injections of allergens into the groin lymph nodes (Intralymphatic Immunotherapy – ILIT) to treat allergy symptoms, rather than using allergy shots or allergy drops. It is advertised as a way to eliminate your allergy symptoms with three injections, one […]