When sudden hearing loss occurs it can be alarming and disorienting, impacting the ability to communicate and quality of life. Unlike hearing loss which occurs gradually over time, sudden hearing loss is a drop in hearing (often in one ear) that occurs rapidly, typically over a period of hours or days. Despite its alarming nature, […]
The FDA-approved hearing aids became available over the counter for the first time in mid-October this year, allowing a more affordable alternative to prescription hearing aids. Not everyone is a good candidate for these OTC hearing aids though and it’s important to know if they will help your type of hearing loss and lifestyle needs. […]
Do you know someone who has lost hearing in one of their ears? Maybe they had a lot of noise exposure or it dropped out suddenly without an explanation. Sadly, some people do not receive any treatment when their hearing drops out suddenly and their loss may become permanent. Early evaluation and appropriate treatment has […]
WHY YOUR EARS HURT ON THE AIRPLANE AND WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP Those who suffer from eustachian tube dysfunction know that flying can often be an uncomfortable experience. What causes ear pain when flying and how can you prevent it? Keep reading to learn about what you can do to make your next […]
Can a sinus infection cause hearing loss? If you suffer from chronic sinus infections, you may be putting your ears at risk for sudden hearing loss, ear infection, and more! When you have a sinus infection, bacteria pool in your sinus cavities and cause inflammation throughout your nasal cavity and sinus lining. If it […]
Many people have had the common sensation of their ear feeling clogged at some point in their life. It can be a nuisance, especially if it gives you the annoying symptom of hearing your voice louder in your head which is called autophony. There can be numerous causes for this sensation and often a hearing […]
If someone is losing their hearing, there may be a lot more at stake than just not being able to hear. Many people also face psychological issues, which can often come with hearing loss. Have you noticed that you or your loved one is having not only hearing problems but these issues as well? Anxiety […]
If you’ve ever been to a concert, you know how loud it can be, even when you are far away from the stage. Now imagine how loud it is up on the stage – it is no wonder that many musicians end up with hearing damage or losing their hearing altogether. If you are a […]
Losing your hearing is a scary thought, but there is no need to suffer from hearing loss, and there is no need to be embarrassed about it, either. Don’t put off dealing with this issue for another day! Do you need a hearing aid? Hearing changes can come on very gradually, but sooner or later […]
It’s easy to take your hearing for granted. But did you know that one in eight people in the United States over the age of 12 has hearing loss in both ears? Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the U.S., affecting your quality of life and relationships. Read on to learn […]