Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you feel tired when you go to sleep, but toss and turn when you lay down, struggling to wake up refreshed? If so, you may need to improve your sleep hygiene. Getting a good night’s rest is important in maintaining overall health, and luckily many […]
If you snore and feel tired, even if you’ve had a full night’s sleep, you may be experiencing sleep apnea. It’s a potentially serious sleep disorder, so it’s important to see your doctor to be evaluated and get necessary testing if your doctor suspects sleep apnea. Read on to learn about the different types of […]
The septum is the divider that separates the right and left nasal cavities. In fact, the word septum comes from the Greek word for divider. This structure is simple in design as it has a lining on each side and thin eggshell bone and cartilage in the middle layer. As the nose grows during puberty […]
The nose and sinuses perform critical functions for your health and well being. The nose and sinuses provide filtration, humidification, and warming of the air you breathe. This conditioning of the air allows the throat, vocal cords, bronchial passages, and the lungs to remain warm and wet. It also allows for the removal of harmful […]
This is an interesting question and the answer is yes. Mouth Breathing In Children Children may be a chronic mouth breather for many reasons: allergy, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, enlarged adenoid, and enlarged tonsils are some common causes. When a child is a mouth breather when their face is developing […]
Many patients who have sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) also have teeth grinding issues and TMJ issues. SDB can range from frequent loud snoring to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). They frequently report that they wear a mouth guard made by their dentist to reduce damage to their teeth. Why is managing snoring and sleep apnea critical to […]
It is well established that obstructive sleep apnea can create many medical issues. It has been associated with a higher incidence of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. Less well understood is the correlation between obstructive sleep apnea and mental health issues. Compared with patients not diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, a […]
For a long time, we have known that there was a correlation between sleep apnea and weight gain. Patients with sleep apnea tend to have “centripetal” weight gain meaning weight gain in the face, neck, and belly.It was believed that weight gain caused the sleep apnea and the patients were told to lose weight to […]
It’s an interesting oddity in the field of sleep medicine that patients are told they have obstructive sleep apnea but not told the reason they have it. Similarly, they are usually given a prescription for a CPAP and no discussion is made of the other options that may be available to treat this condition. Even […]
What Causes Snoring and Sleep Apnea The most common cause for snoring and sleep apnea is a nasal or sinus condition that reduces the nasal airflow. What’s really interesting is that the second most common cause is an enlargement of the tongue. When patients hear that tongue enlargement is the second most common cause of […]