WHAT IS MOUTH BREATHING? In our natural state breathing should occur through the nose. The nose acts as a natural filter that removes toxins from the air we breathe, warming and humidifying the air before it hits the lungs and enhancing circulation. Mouth breathing occurs when someone takes in air through the mouth instead of […]
There are several reasons why a person may experience snoring or sleep apnea. The most common reason is restriction in the nose that reduces nasal airflow resulting in vibration of the tongue and soft palate. The second most common cause, however, is a tongue that is oversized or too wide for a person’s jaw. How […]
Mouth taping is all the rage right now. Your partner snores… You heard they should tape their mouth. It’s better to breathe through my nose… I heard I should tape my mouth to make me breathe through my nose. But why? Why do you need to tape your mouth to choose nose breathing? That’s the […]
The septum is the divider that separates the right and left nasal cavities. In fact, the word septum comes from the Greek word for divider. This structure is simple in design as it has a lining on each side and thin eggshell bone and cartilage in the middle layer. As the nose grows during puberty […]
The nose and sinuses perform critical functions for your health and well being. The nose and sinuses provide filtration, humidification, and warming of the air you breathe. This conditioning of the air allows the throat, vocal cords, bronchial passages, and the lungs to remain warm and wet. It also allows for the removal of harmful […]
This is an interesting question and the answer is yes. Mouth Breathing In Children Children may be a chronic mouth breather for many reasons: allergy, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, enlarged adenoid, and enlarged tonsils are some common causes. When a child is a mouth breather when their face is developing […]