
Posts Tagged ‘ Epworth Sleepiness Scale ’

cpap mask austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Hate your CPAP machine? You may have other options!

“There is no way I can wear that CPAP mask”. As a physician, board certified in sleep medicine, I have heard that too many times to count. The truth is that I couldn’t wear it either. In fact only about 50% of patients prescribed a CPAP machine will use it successfully. Unfortunately, patients are usually […]

Is Snoring Affecting Your Overall Health?

As time has gone by the medical literature has become clear that snoring is not just a hassle for the bed partner. It has now been shown that it is related to many common medical illnesses. Hypertension, heart attack, abnormal heart rhythm, diabetes, weight gain, and other illnesses are more common in people that snore. […]

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