
Posts Tagged ‘ Oral Appliance ’

Is My Tongue Causing My Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

There are several reasons why a person may experience snoring or sleep apnea. The most common reason is restriction in the nose that reduces nasal airflow resulting in vibration of the tongue and soft palate. The second most common cause, however, is a tongue that is oversized or too wide for a person’s jaw. How […]


Sleep ENT Doctors and Sleep Dentist Often Work Together to Treat Snoring and Sleep Apnea

What is the difference between snoring and Sleep Apnea First off, let’s define snoring and sleep apnea. Snoring is resistance to airflow through the upper airway creating vibration and noise production. Sleep apnea is the same condition except for the resistance to airflow is intermittently severe enough to create cessation of airflow (apnea).  The obstructive […]

Sinus & Snoring

What benefit do the over the counter snoring aids offer?

It seems we are bombarded by advertising for snoring solutions. The truth is that when there are 100 different ways to treat a problem, it usually means that none of them work. Some over-the-counter (OTC) snoring treatments may be of some benefit, depending on the particular cause(s) that are creating your snoring. We can break […]

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