
Posts Tagged ‘ Pediatric ENT ’

Is Your Child Experiencing Sinus Problems?

Does your child experience nasal congestion, drainage, sinus pressure, or ear issues? Do you notice they are snoring, having poor quality sleep, daytime fatigue, and/or changes in mood and behavior? If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms they should be evaluated by an Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor). There can be numerous […]

Does My Child Need Ear Tubes?

Does My Child Need Ear Tubes? If your child has had multiple ear infections or fluid buildup behind the eardrum, your child’s doctor may have recommended ear tubes. Ear tubes, sometimes referred to as pressure equalization (PE) tubes are small tubes made of plastic that are inserted into the child’s eardrum. The tubes allow for […]

Why Does My Child Have A Chronic Cough?

Why does my child have a chronic cough? It can feel like your child is always sick. One of the most frequent issues is a nagging chronic cough at nighttime that disrupts their sleep and yours.  It’s often just attributed to allergy and a laundry list of medications are used without much relief.  Maybe even […]

My Child Snores. Should I worry?

Why does my child snore? Parents may get a surprise when they go on that well deserved family vacation. Their little one may be sleeping in their room for the first time in awhile and their sleep looks terrible. Loud snoring, restless sleep, gasping, open mouth posture, and drooling can’t be offering them the deep […]

Hate Allergy Shots? Try Allergy Drops!

Many people are familiar with allergy shots but allergy drops are becoming more popular for many reasons. Allergy shots, the mainstay of treatment of severe allergies for decades, stimulate the patient’s immune system into developing antibodies to block their allergic reactions. This therapy can be very successful, but unfortunately it requires weekly visits to the […]

Why is My Child Always Sick?

Seems like they just got off another antibiotic and they are coughing and feeling poorly again. It breaks the parent’s heart to see their little one sick again and it can break their wallet as well with all of the doctor visits and missed work. What can appear as another infection is more likely the […]

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