Balloon sinuplasty has become a popular treatment for chronic sinus issues due to its high success rate and minimal recovery time. This minimally invasive procedure enhances sinus drainage by expanding the sinus passages without requiring traditional surgery. In our practice, we often combine balloon sinuplasty with the correction of structural issues, such as a deviated […]
You may have heard of a serious nasal and sinus issue called “empty nose syndrome”. The lay literature has frequent warnings for people considering nasal and sinus surgery about this complication. The patient would then suffer from a chronically dry nose, crusting, a sensation of a restricted airway, congestion, and recurring sinus infections. It is […]
What is a Migraine? Migraine headaches can be quite debilitating. It is usually a severe headache typically centered more around one eye, worsened by light, lasting for hours, and may be associated with nausea. These are neurological headaches caused by a dilation of the blood vessels in the brain. These headaches are evaluated and treated […]
A little background about the sinuses – The sinuses are actually called the “paranasal” sinuses, meaning “around the nose cavities”. These hollow cavities surround the nose and have a thin lining that produces liquid. This liquid then moves by directional ciliary flow (often against gravity) to small natural pathways that enter into the nose. The […]
There are several things you can do to avoid getting a sinus infection. Obviously, washing hands thoroughly, avoiding people with active infection, avoiding cold exposure which dries the sinus lining are all helpful. Allergy control is also critical. Allergic inflammation of the nose and sinuses reduces the natural defenses of the sinus lining making it […]
In our practice, we see many sinus sufferers on second opinion. Many times they have been told they will need a sinus surgery to correct their issue. Like in all aspects of medicine, therapy should always go from the least aggressive to the most aggressive. In the past, when medical therapy had failed to resolve […]