This is an interesting question and the answer is yes. Mouth Breathing In Children Children may be a chronic mouth breather for many reasons: allergy, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, enlarged adenoid, and enlarged tonsils are some common causes. When a child is a mouth breather when their face is developing […]
Many patients who have sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) also have teeth grinding issues and TMJ issues. SDB can range from frequent loud snoring to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). They frequently report that they wear a mouth guard made by their dentist to reduce damage to their teeth. Why is managing snoring and sleep apnea critical to […]
With everything going on with COVID19 right now, we want you all to know that Dr. Slaughter and the Sinus & Snoring Specialists team are still here and available to see new and existing patients for all of your ENT needs. We are ensuring extra safeguards to keep our staff and our patients safe. If […]
For a long time, we have known that there was a correlation between sleep apnea and weight gain. Patients with sleep apnea tend to have “centripetal” weight gain meaning weight gain in the face, neck, and belly.It was believed that weight gain caused the sleep apnea and the patients were told to lose weight to […]
What Causes Snoring and Sleep Apnea The most common cause for snoring and sleep apnea is a nasal or sinus condition that reduces the nasal airflow. What’s really interesting is that the second most common cause is an enlargement of the tongue. When patients hear that tongue enlargement is the second most common cause of […]
It seems we are bombarded by advertising for snoring solutions. The truth is that when there are 100 different ways to treat a problem, it usually means that none of them work. Some over-the-counter (OTC) snoring treatments may be of some benefit, depending on the particular cause(s) that are creating your snoring. We can break […]
Sleep position is an important factor in reducing snoring. It is one part of a larger factor called sleep hygiene that can be addressed to reduce snoring. Sleep hygiene includes sleep position, regular sleep habits, avoidance of alcohol or sedatives before bed, allergy management, and staying hydrated. Sleep position is critical for many reasons. Lying […]
Patients often come to our office with multiple complaints. The may say their first issue is that they have had nasal congestion issues and sinus issue for years and they want a solution. Separately they may report that they have snoring issues that are bothering the bed partner. What they may not realize is that […]
So you are going to be on a plane overnight, or camping with friends, or on a guys weekend and the only thing you are thinking about is your snoring. It’s one thing to snore at home. Your bed partner and you may have arrived at solutions for that. But snoring in these situations can […]
It is important to understand that snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are the same condition. It is just a matter of severity. The condition can worsen over time for a variety of reasons. Snoring is resistance to airflow through the upper airway during sleep that creates vibration of the soft palate, tongue, and tonsil area. […]