
Posts From March, 2017

snoring treatment austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

My Spouse Snores and It’s Driving Me Crazy. What Can We Do?

The joke goes… “Why is divorce so expensive…….” “Because it’s worth it…” All kidding aside, living with a spouse that snores is miserable and it can lead to significant relationship issues.  The good news is that it is treatable. There are many options to arrive at a successful resolution available with modern treatments. Most people […]

snoring austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Snoring Causing Problems at Home?

Sleeping next to someone that snores can be miserable, and it can lead to significant relationship issues.  Sleeping in separate beds, wearing ear plugs, and kicking the snorer, is not fun! The good news is that it is treatable!  There are many options to arrive at a successful resolution available with modern treatments. Most people never […]

cpap mask austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Hate your CPAP machine? You may have other options!

“There is no way I can wear that CPAP mask”. As a physician, board certified in sleep medicine, I have heard that too many times to count. The truth is that I couldn’t wear it either. In fact only about 50% of patients prescribed a CPAP machine will use it successfully. Unfortunately, patients are usually […]

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