Determining if you have allergies or a sinus infection is not easy. Truth is, it is even hard for your primary care physician to tell the difference. Allergy and sinus infection both cause congestion, sinus pressure, drainage that may be clear or colored, headache, fatigue, and make you feel sick. Allergy vs. Sinus Infection Let’s go […]
It is a very frustrating problem to have a chronic cough. It interrupts your daily life, makes conversations difficult, it interrupts sleep, and can make people feel like you have a contagious infection. Finding the cause can be quite difficult and frequently a patient may bounce around with many doctors trying very many different types of […]
Many people are familiar with allergy shots but allergy drops are becoming more popular for many reasons. Allergy shots, the mainstay of treatment of severe allergies for decades, stimulate the patient’s immune system into developing antibodies to block their allergic reactions. This therapy can be very successful, but unfortunately it requires weekly visits to the […]
Patients frequently complain that they have one side of their nose that is always blocked. This is typically due to structural issues in the nose. The nasal septum is the divider between the right and left side of your nose. It is made of cartilage and bone and it may be deviated into one side of […]