
Posts Tagged ‘ Daniel Slaughter ’

Deviated Septum Austin, TX

Is it important to fix a deviated septum?

You may have been told by your doctor that you have a deviated septum.   You may not really understood what that means or why it matters.  You may have heard the procedure to fix your deviated septum is painful and has a long recovery period.  We will address all of these issues in this […]

Tips for Temporary Snoring Relief

So you are going to be on a plane overnight, or camping with friends, or on a guys weekend and the only thing you are thinking about is your snoring. It’s one thing to snore at home. Your bed partner and you may have arrived at solutions for that. But snoring in these situations can […]

sleep apnea testing austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Evaluate your snoring with a Home Sleep Test

What is a Home Sleep Test? One of the biggest reasons that people with snoring or possible sleep apnea never have it evaluated is because they don’t want to go to a sleep lab. The idea of all of those wires, the electrodes, someone watching, and a strange environment isn’t appealing. They know they will […]

Sinus surgery vs. balloon sinuplasty

With over 20 years of experience in sinus surgery I have seen many changes in techniques and outcomes for sinus surgery. The goal has always been the same – Allow the blocked sinus outflow tracts to drain naturally relieving the infection and all the associated symptoms. A revolution occurred just a few years ago with […]

Are you a candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?

  If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, recurring sinusitis, chronic sinus pressure, seasonal allergies, and even migraines headaches, you are likely looking for a long term solution! Balloon Sinuplasty has been the answer for millions of people across the country and throughout the world. Until recently, sufferers of chronic or recurrent sinusitis were limited to […]

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