
Posts Tagged ‘ Home Sleep Test ’

Are In-Lab Sleep Studies More Accurate Than A Home Sleep Test?

The field of sleep medicine has changed dramatically in the last few years with the development of Home Sleep Testing (HST) for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Snoring vs. Obstructive Sleep Apnea As a matter of background, snoring is a condition where there is resistance to airflow through the upper airway while sleeping […]

Sleep Apnea Austin TX

What’s the difference between snoring and obstructive sleep apnea?

Approximately 25% of people in the USA snore nightly. The bed partner is typically significantly bothered by this noise but they may also be concerned that it is a more serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). There is a lot of confusion about these two problems and how they are related. In this blog, […]

What Can You Learn From A Home Sleep Test?

What does a sleep study test for? A sleep study is a diagnostic test to evaluate for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a disorder where there is a cessation of the airflow during sleep (apnea) or a significant reduction in the airflow during sleep causing a drop in the oxygen concentration (hypopnea). What is […]

home sleep test

Myth Busters – Home Sleep Tests

What is a Home Sleep Test?  One of the biggest reasons that people with snoring or possible sleep apnea never have it evaluated is because they don’t want to go to a sleep lab. The idea of all of those wires, the electrodes, someone watching, and a strange environment isn’t appealing. They know they will […]

sleep apnea testing austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Evaluate your snoring with a Home Sleep Test

What is a Home Sleep Test? One of the biggest reasons that people with snoring or possible sleep apnea never have it evaluated is because they don’t want to go to a sleep lab. The idea of all of those wires, the electrodes, someone watching, and a strange environment isn’t appealing. They know they will […]

snoring treatment austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

My Spouse Snores and It’s Driving Me Crazy. What Can We Do?

The joke goes… “Why is divorce so expensive…….” “Because it’s worth it…” All kidding aside, living with a spouse that snores is miserable and it can lead to significant relationship issues.  The good news is that it is treatable. There are many options to arrive at a successful resolution available with modern treatments. Most people […]

snoring austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Snoring Causing Problems at Home?

Sleeping next to someone that snores can be miserable, and it can lead to significant relationship issues.  Sleeping in separate beds, wearing ear plugs, and kicking the snorer, is not fun! The good news is that it is treatable!  There are many options to arrive at a successful resolution available with modern treatments. Most people never […]

cpap mask austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Hate your CPAP machine? You may have other options!

“There is no way I can wear that CPAP mask”. As a physician, board certified in sleep medicine, I have heard that too many times to count. The truth is that I couldn’t wear it either. In fact only about 50% of patients prescribed a CPAP machine will use it successfully. Unfortunately, patients are usually […]

Sleep Apnea austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

When to seek medical treatment for snoring

Snoring can be just a nuisance or it can be a sign of a serious medical problem. It is hard for the bed partner to tell the difference between simple snoring and sleep apnea unless it is very obvious. The patient may also not be aware because the feeling of fatigue, sleepiness, headaches, and lack […]

Is Snoring Affecting Your Overall Health?

As time has gone by the medical literature has become clear that snoring is not just a hassle for the bed partner. It has now been shown that it is related to many common medical illnesses. Hypertension, heart attack, abnormal heart rhythm, diabetes, weight gain, and other illnesses are more common in people that snore. […]

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