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What Causes Dizziness and Can it be Treated?

What is Dizziness? The term dizziness is used to describe a wide range of sensations including a spinning or rotational feeling, feeling lightheaded, off balance, or nauseous. Because the symptoms of dizziness can be vague and vary from person to person, taking a thorough history and diagnostic testing is often necessary to pinpoint the cause. […]

Woman is preparing to have nose surgery done, isolated cutout on white background. Mixed race latin american hispanic caucasian model. Positive face expression

5 Myths About Septoplasty – Busted!

There are a lot of myths about septoplasty that may make you nervous about the procedure. Many of these are simply not true, especially at Sinus and Snoring Specialists where septoplasty is a simple in-office procedure with an easy recovery. Read below to find out the myths (and the truth!) about septoplasty at our clinic. […]

Help! I can’t stop using Afrin® nasal spray!

If you struggle with nasal congestion or seasonal allergies you may have come across over-the-counter decongestant nasal sprays like Afrin® or heard warnings about using these sprays too often. When you feel all stuffed up, decongestant sprays can feel like a miracle cure. Shortly after using Afrin, the blood vessels that lead to congestion constrict […]

How to Keep Your Sinuses Healthy While You Travel

Does it seem like you get sick every time you travel? It can be frustrating if you pick up a sinus infection or cold after plane travel. Congestion, runny nose, pressure, postnasal drip…all these symptoms are no fun while on vacation! Here are some tips on how to keep your sinuses healthy while you travel […]

What is the Best Treatment for Sinus Infection

What is the best treatment for sinus infection? If you get sinus infections, you’ve probably received lots of different treatments over the years. Depending on what type of provider you see, you may receive one or more of the following: an antibiotic, a steroid, a nasal steroid, over-the-counter meds or possibly nothing at all. Unfortunately, […]

sleep app

Understanding what your sleep app is telling you

Sleep apps on your smart phone and on your smart watch have become very common place These programs make a lot of claims. Understanding what these smart devices are measuring and how they interpret this information is important when evaluating how they may improve your health. Phases of Sleep The physiology of sleep is such […]

Is Your Child Experiencing Sinus Problems?

Does your child experience nasal congestion, drainage, sinus pressure, or ear issues? Do you notice they are snoring, having poor quality sleep, daytime fatigue, and/or changes in mood and behavior? If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms they should be evaluated by an Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor). Read Blog Post: Local […]

The Causes and Treatment of Empty Nose Syndrome (ENS)

You may have heard of a serious nasal and sinus issue called “empty nose syndrome”. The lay literature has frequent warnings for people considering nasal and sinus surgery about this complication. The patient would then suffer from a chronically dry nose, crusting, a sensation of a restricted airway, congestion, and recurring sinus infections. It is […]

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