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Balloon Sinuplasty

Scared To Have A Septoplasty? Fear No More!

What’s new in septoplasty (correcting a deviated nasal septum)? Ever known anyone that had a septoplasty? 5 minutes in to their story you are convinced that no matter what you are not having that done. The septum is the divider between the right and left side of the nose. It is made of fine bone and […]

allergy treatment austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

My Allergy Test Is Negative But I Know I Have Allergies

Why was my allergy testing negative when I know I have allergies? Spring is coming and along with it those dreaded spring allergies. People all over the Austin area are headed to the store to stock up on allergy medications. Unfortunately, those medications don’t really stop the allergy. They let you have the allergy and […]

My Child Snores. Should I worry?

Why does my child snore? Parents may get a surprise when they go on that well deserved family vacation. Their little one may be sleeping in their room for the first time in awhile and their sleep looks terrible. Loud snoring, restless sleep, gasping, open mouth posture, and drooling can’t be offering them the deep […]

What Your Sleep or Snoring App Isn't Telling You

What Your Sleep Or Snoring App Isn’t Telling You

We are now much more aware of the importance of sleep to our overall health. Getting that deep restorative sleep prevents many health issues, such as cardiovascular disease, depression, and even automobile injuries. Deep sleep also affects us socially, as the ability to be an attentive parent or an effective worker is dependent upon waking […]

6 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Snoring Austin TX

6 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Snoring

Patients frequently will say that their snoring is much worse on certain nights versus their usual snoring. They want to know what factors may be causing this issue and what simple things they can do to help. Ways to Reduce Your Snoring Snoring typically comes from a vibration of the soft palate and tongue in […]

Is My Sinus Infection Immune To Antibiotics?

Patients who get recurring sinus infections have real concerns about using so many antibiotics. They are not only concerned about the side effects and the cost but also the risk that these important medicines will no longer be effective. It’s not actually the patient that becomes immune but the particular bacteria. Bacteria have sensitivity to […]

Balloon Sinuplasty

Untrue Myths About Balloon Sinuplasty

The balloon is left in the sinuses Actually no material is left in the sinuses. The balloon is inserted in to the sinus outflow tract, inflated, deflated, then removed. Unlike cardiac blood vessel dilation the sinus outflow tract area is made of fine compressible bone and no stent is left or required. The sinus dilation […]

balloon sinuplasty

How Does Having Chronic Sinusitis Affect My Health?

We are all familiar with the symptoms we have with chronic sinusitis. Facial pressure, headache, fatigue, congestion. There’s plenty of reason to get this problem resolved. You may not be aware of how it can affect other aspects of your health. Chronic Sinusitis Health Affects Chronic sinusitis causes significant worsening of asthma. Many times adults […]

Balloon Sinuplasty

Is Balloon Sinuplasty the Right Treatment for You?

Recently there has been a lot of news about Balloon Sinuplasty.  Learn about the technology and how can it help you. Many patients suffer from severe sinus pressure and headaches, sinus infections, and chronic nasal congestion. It can be so difficult for these patients to concentrate and handle all of the days demands. The pharmacy is […]

cpap mask austin tx | Sinus & Snoring Specialists

Alternatives to CPAP

Do You have sleep apnea but can’t tolerate a CPAP? Learn about the other options available A CPAP machine pumps pressure through a mask to stent open the back of the throat during sleep. Patients can find the sensation of the pressure to be very bothersome and oftentimes may have claustrophobic feelings when wearing the […]

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