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Sublingual Immunotherapy

Myths About Allergy Drops

Allergy drops don’t work as well as shots The research shows that well formulated allergy drop therapy is as effective as allergy shots for all allergy symptoms in adults and children. Actually in most cases it is more effective simply because of compliance issues. It is easier to be consistent with a therapy you can […]

Sinus Infections Austin TX

Preventing a Sinus Infection This Holiday Season

How many times have you sat down, laptop open, headphones on, ready for peaceful travel and it turns out the person sitting right next to you has a severe cough? You finally get to have that holiday vacation and you spend the entire trip with a sinus infection. These helpful hints hopefully will give you a […]

Winter Allergies Austin TX

Allergens to Look Out For This Winter

It’s the holiday season and we all want to enjoying our family, friends, vacation. Unfortunately, allergies this time of year can make us feel sick and miserable, ruining our holidays. Don’t let the holiday allergies get you down, make an appointment for allergy testing and start allergy drops now. Indoor Allergens The indoor allergens are frequently […]

Sinus Infection Austin TX

Tips to Avoid a Sinus Infection

There are several things you can do to avoid getting a sinus infection. Obviously, washing hands thoroughly, avoiding people with active infection, avoiding cold exposure which dries the sinus lining are all helpful. Allergy control is also critical. Allergic inflammation of the nose and sinuses reduces the natural defenses of the sinus lining making it […]

Allergy Symptoms

Your Allergy Symptoms Might Not Be Allergies At All…

The typical allergy complaints include congestion, runny nose, post nasal drip, sinus pressure, sneezing, headache, and fatigue. These symptoms may very well be from allergy but they may also be from a completely different diagnosis. Failing to identify and treat these other causes can leave the patient still symptomatic despite good allergy therapy. What Can […]

Bruxism and Nasal Congestion

Are Teeth Grinding and Nasal Congestion Related?

Experienced dentists can see the destructive changes to the health and structure of your teeth from teeth grinding at night time. It isn’t uncommon at all for patients to present to our office reporting that they have to use a nightly guard in their mouth to try and reduce the destructive changes to the teeth […]

Nasal Valve Repair Austin TX

What Is Nasal Valve Collapse?

Nasal valve collapse is nasal obstruction from collapse of the nostrils when the patient breathes in. The patient will feel like they have difficulty breathing and congestion, especially when they lay down at night. They may or may not notice the visible collapse of the nostrils as the collapse may be internal only. Nasal valve […]

Are Dizziness and Sinus Issues Related?

Dizziness is a vague term. It can mean an off-balance feeling, a spinning (vertigo) feeling, or just feeling like your head is in a cloud. Although dizziness can come from neurologic issues, frequently the cause is an ear issue. Ear issues such as middle ear pressure, eustachian tube dysfunction, and inner ear inflammation (labyrinthitis) are […]

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