Pet allergy is very common. Patients are actually allergic to the dander which are tiny flakes of dead skin and hair. These particles are very small, become concentrated in the patients home over time, and are highly allergenic. We love our pets and don’t want to lose them but the pet allergy can make us […]
Most people who suffer from Obstructive sleep apnea don’t even know they have it. But their partners do. There partner hears the loud and bothersome snoring and sees the episodes where it is appears as if there partner isn’t breathing. This is not only irritating but also very worrisome. Obstructive Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder […]
I am old enough to have been raised on David Letterman’s Top 10 Lists. So here it is: Top 10 reasons to treat your snoring, drum roll please! 10. You don’t get invited to that hunting trip anymore 9. They don’t make sleep number couches 8. Even the dog won’t sleep with you… But more […]
What is a Home Sleep Test? One of the biggest reasons that people with snoring or possible sleep apnea never have it evaluated is because they don’t want to go to a sleep lab. The idea of all of those wires, the electrodes, someone watching, and a strange environment isn’t appealing. They know they will […]
People are all talking about balloon sinuplasty. Advertisements on the radio, TV, and billboards have sprung up over the last several years. Patients who suffer from chronic sinus issues such as recurring infections, sinus pressure, chronic nasal drainage, and chronic congestion all have the same question… Does it last? Extensive research has been done evaluating […]
In our practice, we see many sinus sufferers on second opinion. Many times they have been told they will need a sinus surgery to correct their issue. Like in all aspects of medicine, therapy should always go from the least aggressive to the most aggressive. In the past, when medical therapy had failed to resolve […]
Many patients complain of ear pressure, fullness, popping, hearing loss, ear pain, as well as dizziness and ringing in the ears. These are the typical symptoms of ETD or Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. The eustachian tube is the tube that connects the back of the nose to the middle ear. It serves to provide aeration and ventilation […]
Dr. Slaughter will be interviewed by Sean Adams & Chip Brown on KVET – The ZONE 1300AM tomorrow April 27th at 6:30am. Make sure you tune in to hear some insight from award winning Otolaryngologist Dr. Daniel Slaughter. Click here to listen
What about allergies causes a sinus infection? Patients frequently get a sinus infection during their peak allergy seasons. There are many reasons for this to occur. The sinuses are hollowed out cavities that surround the nose and empty secretions into the nose. The natural pathway for them to empty into the nose is actually quite […]
What is a Home Sleep Test? One of the biggest reasons that people with snoring or possible sleep apnea never have it evaluated is because they don’t want to go to a sleep lab. The idea of all of those wires, the electrodes, someone watching, and a strange environment isn’t appealing. They know they will […]