
What Makes My Nose Run So Much!

There are many reasons why a person will have an overly runny nose. It is important to understand these various causes and address them individually rather than use a shotgun approach with medical treatments.

What causes a runny nose?


Allergy is a very common cause for a runny nose.  It is essentially a misfiring of the immune system. The immune system thinks that simple airborne pollens are parasites trying to invade the body. It, therefore, mounts a strong inflammatory reaction to fight this invasion.  Although medicines can offer some benefit they essentially let this misfiring reaction happen and put a bandaid on the symptoms. We prefer to use the immune system instead to actually block this reaction using allergy drops. Simple daily use of allergy drops containing the allergens that a person reacts to based on needle free skin testing in our office. This treatment creates blocking antibodies to bind and eliminate the allergic reaction eliminating unwanted symptoms such as a runny nose.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is a low grade chronic infection with bacteria or mold in the sinus cavities that surround the nose. The associated inflammatory reaction can make the nose create copious drainage in the form a postnasal drip or a runny nose. We recommend having a CT scan in our office to evaluate if chronic sinusitis is present. Medical treatments can frequently eliminate this infection and when this fails non-surgical office balloon sinuplasty under comfortable IV sedation can resolve this issue. The sinuses are then healthy with resolution of inflammation and the runny nose will be resolved.

Structural issues (such as a deviated septum)

The nose produces a lot of discharge intended to humidify the air that passes through it. When there is a structural issue in can occlude the airway and therefore this discharge is produced without the airflow being present to soak it up. It will then pool and create a runny nose or postnasal drip. Structural correction, such as a septoplasty, can be performed as a simple office procedure under IV sedation, without the need for packing or splinting and with rapid recovery. Most of our patients can work the next day and do not require pain medication.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is unique as it is not an inflammatory condition but instead a reaction to an overactive nerve. The nerve in the nose that is intended to stimulate secretion production is overactive in this condition. A special nose spray called Ipratropium can really reduce this issue but would need to be used up to 3 times a day. Alternatively, we can now freeze this nerve, with a procedure called Clarifix®. This is a simple office procedure performed under IV sedation. This dramatically reduces the overactivity of this nerve reducing your annoying runny nose.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are troubled by a runny nose come for a more comprehensive evaluation to this issue. We can provide the correct treatment plan tailored to your cause. Contact us today at 512.601.0303 to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive evaluation and a better plan.

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Posted in: Allergies, Allergy Drops, Balloon Sinuplasty, Chronic Sinus Infection, Deviated Septum, Runny Nose

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