
The Difference Between a Sinus Headache and a Migraine

Many patients may suffer from “sinus headache”. It’s important to understand the difference between a sinus issue and a neurological headache.

Migraine, tension, and cluster headaches are neurological headaches related to dilation of blood vessels in the brain. These headaches are best treated by a neurologist. They have both treatment and prevention strategies. They are related to sinus issues because although they may have many triggers the most common trigger is nasal and sinus issues.

Anything that creates point to point contact or swelling in the nose can serve as a trigger for neurological headaches. A deviated septum, allergic swelling, sinusitis, and nasal polyps are all common triggers for neurological headaches. They may initially be associated with congestion and pressure over the sinuses then evolve in to a migraine.

Patients that suffer from neurological headaches, especially if they seem to start with nasal and sinus complaints, should come for an evaluation in our office. We can look with a small endoscope and provide an in office mini-CT to see if there are treatable triggers. Successful evaluation and treatment of these triggers may well dramatically reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of neurological headaches while also improving breathing and sinus health.

Schedule An Appointment

Don’t let a sinus headache make you miserable. Call or securely text our clinic today to get on allergy drop therapy at 512-601-0303 to set up an appointment

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